Thad Wong
I have been Studying Chinese martial arts and medicine practices since I was a teenager, and they have changed the course of my life repeatedly. Exploring these methods and principles has continually brought me closer to a whole hearted expression of my true self.
It is incredibly fulfilling to see these ancient practices benefit others in a deep way. Bearing witness to people experiencing profound changes through their supported practice has kept me passionately involved in teaching for over two decades. The experience I bring into every session includes:
Thad and Valerie Ghent practicing Millstone Palm circle walking
Studying Chinese martial arts since 1993.
5th degree black belt in Southern Shaolin Kung Fu.
Opened and ran the New York Shaolin Center from 2005-2011.
Studying Ba Gua Zhang under Tom Bisio since 2010.
Senior Level Instructor in Ba Gua Zhang.
Studying Tui Na (Chinese medical massage) under Tom since 2012
Apprenticed at 5th street acupuncture from 2012-2015.
Certified practitioner in Traditional Tui Na and Zang Fu Organ Regulating Tui Na.
Studying Xing Yi Quan under Tom and Valerie Ghent since 2012.
Currently working towards becoming a certified instructor of Xing Yi Quan.