Thad Wong


I have been Studying Chinese martial arts and medicine practices since I was a teenager, and they have changed the course of my life repeatedly. Exploring these methods and principles has continually brought me closer to a whole hearted expression of my true self.

It is incredibly fulfilling to see these ancient practices benefit others in a deep way. Bearing witness to people experiencing profound changes through their supported practice has kept me passionately involved in teaching for over two decades. The experience I bring into every session includes:

Thad and Valerie Ghent practicing Millstone Palm circle walking

Thad and Valerie Ghent practicing Millstone Palm circle walking

  • Studying Chinese martial arts since 1993.

  • 5th degree black belt in Southern Shaolin Kung Fu.

  • Opened and ran the New York Shaolin Center from 2005-2011.

  • Studying Ba Gua Zhang under Tom Bisio since 2010.

  • Senior Level Instructor in Ba Gua Zhang.

  • Studying Tui Na (Chinese medical massage) under Tom since 2012

  • Apprenticed at 5th street acupuncture from 2012-2015.

  • Certified practitioner in Traditional Tui Na and Zang Fu Organ Regulating Tui Na.

  • Studying Xing Yi Quan under Tom and Valerie Ghent since 2012.

  • Currently working towards becoming a certified instructor of Xing Yi Quan.